Sterile operating theatre
The Ark Veterinary Centre has a separate sterile operating theatre. This allows us to perform complex and intricate surgeries with minimal risk of infection. Our experienced vets are able to perform a range of surgeries from routine neutering and lump removals to major abdominal surgery and basic orthopaedic procedures. We also have access to a specialist surgeon who comes out to the practice to perform more complex orthopaedic procedures.
We have a full range of surgical equipment allowing us to perform everything from delicate eye surgery under magnification to orthopaedic procedures on a great dane.
Wherever possible we use dissolvable suture material (stitches) to close skin wounds from underneath ensuring there are no stitches in the skin that your pet will interfere with. This also means that they rarely have to wear a buster collar.

Wound closed with hidden (intradermal) stitches

Wound before closing with stitches
You are welcome to come and look at our modern facilities, clients have often commented that they look cleaner than those they have seen in human hospitals.
Here are some other photos from surgery

Animal in surgery with heart rate, breathing etc all displayed on the monitor

Cat just about to be spayed in theatre